Do I have to shovel my sidewalk?

Yes. You must shovel and/or de-ice your public sidewalk within 24 hours after snow ceases. If you don't, the City may do so and charge you for it. For the complete rules, see the Snow & Ice Page.

When is brush collected along the curbside?

The Waterloo Public Works Department pickup up brush & fallen tree branches the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month from April through October. Have your brush and tree limbs to the curb by October 16th. The Public Works Department will pickup and dispose of Christmas trees, but will not restart the regular wood chipping service until April of the following year.

When are leaves collected in the city?

Leaves may be raked into the street along the curbside until the week of November 15th. After that point, the homeowner would be responsible to transport them to the compost site in Firemen's Park.